Facebook – Just for Realtors

Wedding Last month I wrote some posts to help spread the word that twitter is not just for Realtors any more. Then I wrote another post about blogs. They are not just for Realtors any more either.

Today I am happy to say that I have found an application that seems to be just for Realtors.  They call it Facebook.

Yesterday I went to my Facebook account so that I could start going through the  "friend requests".  I don't know any of my friends but maybe some day they will introduce themselves. Most of the requests were from Realtors, or people in the real estate industry but I found a past client in the mess and I found that one of her friends is also one of my friends, so I sent a friend request.

I never had a friend before who isn't in the real estate industry so it will a new experience. I hope they don't get thrown out of facebook. I told them that it is just for real estate but they decided to stay.

While I was in facebook I took a look at my profile.  I set it up a couple of years ago and like with everything I do I did it in a hurry and didn't think about anything weird like following instructions or coloring in the lines.

I noticed a lot of important information missing.  For one thing I wasn't married. So I decided to change that. The change updated my "wall" and I started getting congratulatory emails and tweets on my recent marriage. Some even sent notes to my husband to let him know. Even though he does not have a facebook account, because he isn't a Realtor,  he already knew that we are married.

He must have some source of information that I have not discovered yet because he knows a lot of things. Just the other day he found out that we were out of bread and he bought some more. I checked all over the internet and I still don't get where he got the information or who told him and why I didn't know about it.

I didn't want to change my status back because then someone would tell him that we just got divorced.  A guy shouldn't find things like that out through email or twitter so I deleted the update on my wall and left my marital status alone.  Too late, the congratulatory messages are still coming in.

My dad also has a facebook account. He isn't a Realtor and he didn't congratulate me either.  He started a group in facebook for people who are not realtors.

He is still the only one in the group and is now thinking about starting a group for fathers of Realtors who just got married so he will have some facebook friends and open it up to people who don't have real estate licenses.  I think he is on to something but I am not sure he totally understands the marriage thing.

I feel kind of threatened by the idea people outside of the real estate industry joining facebook but I guess if they have friends who are Realtors they must be OK.

Since I am still on my honeymoon I have to go. Enjoy the reception and the cake. Next time I get married I'll tell my husband about it before I update facebook.

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3 Responses to Facebook – Just for Realtors

  1. tom meckey says:

    that is one of the funniest things that i have read. Nice post. Your dad sounds like someone I would like to have a beer with…

    PS: I’m a realtor and you can “Find Us on Facebook”

    I promise that i wont ask you to be my friend unless we actually know each other.

  2. Tami Vroma says:

    This was a funny post! I am a Realtor too but HELLOOO I don’t want to be friends with every Realtor in the world just because they are a Realtor!!! I want FB to be my friends not just a list of people who are Realtors! I click the Ignore button a lot! It is different if we really are friends . .then it is fun to keep up!

  3. i totallya gree with you Tami it was a funny post . and i totally agree and me also don’t want to make every realtor my friend too .

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