My Foursquare strategy

Here I am once again on the blog of mass destruction cleverly disguised as a hot dog stand, dispensing Foursquarebadges
free advice and if you are reading this you can be sure it is worth every penny that you didn't pay.

I was going to write a twelve volume set of books about my Foursquare strategy and turn it into a five hour class and a six hour webinar so that I could make some money off of my genius but I decided to just give it away even though I don't like people.

Here is my strategy:

When I go places I check in.  If I add it all up, I must spend half an hour a month checking in which I will admit is a real commitment and time suck.   When I check in I am spending an extra minute in my car or looking down at my blackberry as I walk in the door when I could be using that time to "capture leads".  Foursquare doesn't have a built in lead capture system, which makes it a total waste of battery power and band width.

I don't check in everywhere I go mainly because I lack vision, ambition and direction, but I make sure to check in when I go to a local business.   In my community they really are the economic backbone of the neighborhood. 

I connect with others who go to the same places.  Some are people that I already know, others are people that I would like to know.  Sometimes I make a recommendation, and sometimes I become the mayor.  It is kind of like leaving a trail of breadcrumbs as I travel from one day to the next. 

None of this has made me wealthy beyond my wildest dreams yet I persist in wasting that half an hour a month.  I don't know how many points I have and I know I should care about all of that but I don't.  I understand that some folks cheat just for points. I wish I had the kind of unbridled passion for wealth and fame that it takes to cheat at Foursquare.

It is the Foursquare strategy that can make us or break us in the real estate business and most people will want to treat it much more seriously than I do or stop using it all together if they can't calculate ROI.

I am using foursquare strategically the way it is meant to be used.  Yet I should not be squandering my time with it unless there is the potential to get rich beyond my wildest dreams.  Honestly my best shot might be through that twelve volume set of books, those classes or webinars on foursquare strategy. I figure twitter is also worth a few thousand pages but that is the subject of another post . . one that I don't plan on writing.

I also have a Gwoalla strategy which consists mainly of cultivating clients who do not have iPhones or driods, it is a huge unexploited market niche just waiting for someone like me to exploit with a sound strategy.  You will have to read my book for more on that one.  I can't give all of my high level important social media strategy away.

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3 Responses to My Foursquare strategy

  1. TheRECoach says:

    Enjoyed (as always) today’s post (recommended by one of my 10 “Human Aggregators”, @tcar). However, I think we tend to miss the “nuggets” on occasion, when it comes to these new SM applications. After all, 4 years ago when Twitter started, we heard this same logic regarding time as well, yet here we are today discussing it’s ROI. Foursquare is just one of many SM apps we should be learning to use, “just in case” it is the next Twitter, and we are then an early adapter, ahead of our competitors (much like Aardvark). BTW Foursquare has a very powerful hidden nugget, that I show my Agents, so they can turn it into a “lead Generation” tool….(hint, it’s in the Tips section)…best of luck to all, and …

    Stay Blogging my Friends!

  2. Teresa boardman says:

    TheRECoach – you miss my point entirely. Maybe I do need to write that twelve volume set. I refuse to treat people as leads and I don’t want to capture anyone.

  3. Lisa Padilla says:

    You’ll make far more money with your strategy for non-iPhone and non-Android than writing a book about it.

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