I Just Don't Understand

BunsI like to call them big "Whys" and there are so many of them in my life.  Maybe I just think too much. 

One example of a big why is that hot dogs often come in packages of 8 or 10, and hot dog buns often come is bags of one dozen.  They can be found in bags of 8 but it is a relatively new concept.  It is easy to understand why buns come in bags of 12, it is because they are considered a bakery item and one dozen is a universal size for packaging and selling bakery goods.

It wasn’t until people complained that the bun makers got the idea that their product goes with hot dogs and that maybe it would be a good idea to package hot dog buns to go with hot dogs, instead of packaging them like bakery goods. They were wrong about the always packaging them by the dozen, and they admitted it.

This post is not about hot dogs or about buns but it is on the weenie so my mind drifts. The colors are distracting and I can see my dog looking at me.  So are the hot dog buns.

There are a couple of big whys for me in my daily life. . . well actually there are many of them but I only feel about writing about three of them.

Why is it that the only time my phone rings is when I am in my car or when I am on another phone?

Why is It that my internet presence attracts new clients but  they call me on the phone when I am in my car and I have to ask them for their email address?  My email address is plastered all over my blog and can be found quikcly on the internet through Google.  Yet while I am in my car, and only while I am in my car I am talking to the people who read my blog and have a question or a comment or would like to use my most excellent services as a Realtor.  I can’t look up property addresses while I am driving, I have to pull over, look them up and the only way to get the information to the caller is to email it, which is hard since I only have their phone number and not their email address.

Why is it that Realtors are worse than the general public when it comes to calling me while I am in my car, which as I mentioned is the only time anyone ever calls me.  They call because they saw my blog and they want to ask me a question.  To make matters worse they ask a question that I can not answer.

"I am going to start a blog, can you give me a few tips"  I always answer that question the same way, No I can not.  If you have a specific question I would be happy to answer it or if I can not I will point you in the right direction.  I also explain that I have written many posts on the subject of real estate blogs and where they can be found.  Often they mention that they are calling me becasue they read those posts.  If these people would just send me an email instead of talking to me while I am in my car I could just send them a links to the posts if they have not read them.

When I was interviewed for the article that was in the LA Times on Sunday they interviewed me while I was in a car.  Vflyer did a podcast interview a few months back and interviewed me while I was in my car.  My phone is not ringing now.  There are four of them in the room and they are all on, yet all I hear is the clackety-clack of keys as I write this post.  I think that is why I like to write blog posts.  I write them in my office and it is the only time I am not interrupted by phone calls from the people that live out there on the internet.  Maybe when business gets slow I’ll bring my laptop out to my car and write blog posts.

Do people like to talk to me on the phone?  Maybe they think they would like to talk to me on the phone but I am sure that after they actually talk to me they change their minds.  I admit I get irritated.  There is a time and a place for a phone call.  If they would at least call me when I am in my office I could maybe find it in my heart to actually try to sound pleasant on the phone.  Pleasant is not easy for me but I could learn how.  Maybe there is a "how to be nice for dummies" book or something.

There is an answer to all my whys, it is the same answer that my parents gave me when I was a child and I asked questions that did not have answers, because is always the answer.

Oops! I have just been super poked, gotta go . . .

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4 Responses to I Just Don't Understand

  1. Sarah Cooper says:

    I have such an urge to call and ask if you’re in the car, or should I call back later when you are?

  2. Teresa Boardman says:

    watch it Cooper. 🙂

  3. Sounds like a threat to me, T.
    Sarah, T has a way with people–look what happened to gotbob over at my place! 😉

  4. larry says:

    I dunno but, my guess is the phone folks bought the wrong package and got a six-pack of Smokies – the ones with cheeze-whiz inside.

    As for being grumpy – give me my tiara back! 🙂

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