Social Media is for marketing. . but not just for Realtors


Social media has made self promotion and product pitches easier than ever.  It is good to know that the hard sell is not dead and that it has a whole new life via social media. Any successful sales person will tell you that scripts and dialogs are the way to go. Social interaction and permission based marketing are for weenies.We need to trick people into following us on twitter or becoming our facebook friends and then we can sell, sell, sell.

In the old days we used answering machines to screen our calls so we wouldn't have to listen to telemarketers.  Then we got Tivo so we could just skip the commercials.  We got spam filters on our email accounts so we didn't have to read the sales pitches we call spam.

With new media we can use the same sales pitches in a new way.  They can be deployed cheaply to large groups of people we now call tribes. We can even use the same words that we used in print ads and in our spam.

How will people tune us out this time? 

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4 Responses to Social Media is for marketing. . but not just for Realtors

  1. I couldn’t agree more. It’s going to take some serious reprogramming, like maybe a brain transfusion to get these marketers to repent! I wonder if they know how repulsive they actually are?

  2. Teresa boardman says:

    I wrote this becasue they don’t understand what they are doing and how it repels people on social networks instead of attracting them.

  3. One only has to look at the history of social media and how it evolved to understand the importance of being social, adding value and not slapping a business card in someone’s face!

    It’s OK to build your list, but to trick people into providing their info so you can spam them. What’s the point? Just to say you have a BIG list.

    BIG deal.

  4. “How will people tune us out this time?” ‘KK’ and ‘T’ – The UC (United Codgers), had the answer years ago. It’s simple really – turn it off! :>)

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