
PickleComments on blog posts create a pickle for some bloggers.

I think I can make it simple.  If there is a comment you don’t like on one of your blog posts you could:

a.  Ignore it.
b.  delete it
c.  Write a couple of nasty blog posts about the commenter, get your friends to do the same, and then add some lies to the posts to make the whole thing bigger than it really is.

I am inclined to choose "a".  If I am really upset or irritated I have been known to send a note to the commenter and ask for clarification.  I never assume the worst even if the comment makes me wince.  After all I may have just taken the comment the wrong way. The commenter may have been having a bad day and it just came out wrong.

On one occasion I chose option "b", mainly because the comment was several paragraphs long, written by someone that I don’t know and it upset one of my regular readers.

Option "c" is not an option for me at all.  I simply can’t do it.  Sometimes I wish I could but on the other hand maybe I should be thankful that I can not.

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6 Responses to Maturity

  1. FlyingMonkeyWarrior says:

    You forgot choice d.

    Choice of Greg Swan when dealing with FlyingMonkeyWarrior.

    d. When you do not agree with a blogger’s post on your board, humiliate and belittle them on the thread and then publish their personal information on your sight for revenge, even after you promised to keep in confidential in writing.Doesn’t matter if you are wrong, it is your blog.

    I can say this because he did just that to me.

  2. Flying Monkey Warrior – keep in mind that the people who do that kind of thing look much worse than the people they do it to. I am sure nasty business bloggers lose clients that way. You can only be humiliated if you allow your self to be – don’t let them. People will always be jealous of you because of your brains, beauty and talent, and jealous people some times need to put others down.

  3. flyingmonkeywarrior says:

    Thank you Teresa, and as for the brains, beauty and talent part, back atcha.

  4. So the idea here is that you’re too mature to be writing about what you’re writing about, or is it that you’re too mature to write about what you’re writing about not writing about, while pointing out the immaturity of those who write about what you’re too mature to write about?

    Nasty business bloggers lose clients “that way”? By “that way”, I take it you mean failing to isolate their nastiness onto some vaguely worded, no hyperlink post allegedly refraining from writing about what they’re writing about on a blog dedicated especially to that, away from the site their client sees? So being nasty on a hot dog stand is a less revenue-impacting way of doing it?

    Is that supposed to be better?

    To be sure, there’s a certain compellingly pathetic entertainment value to having to surf around before guessing who you’re not writing about. For example, I think I’ve figured out after some research that this post is probably about Steve Berg with possibly a passing nod to either me or someoene I haven’t turned up yet. But maybe it ain’t. Then again it could be about me with a passing nod to Steve Berg. Your perennial nemesis Greg Swan appears to be quietly minding his own business, but I might have missed something. And the whole thing could be some ActiveRain nastiness, in which case I’m hardly the right person to be teasing it out.

    It’s like a feature series: “Bad Person Teresa’s Writing About Not Writing About of the Day”. And as usual, I’m so vain, I probably have no idea.

    So it’s entertaining, but where it becomes problematic from a consistency point of view is here: If you’re going to boast the moral high ground by not writing about things, it seems to me you have to actually not write about them. Of course, the Catch-22 is that as soon as you stop writing about things, you can’t boast the moral high ground any more, except perhaps silently to yourself.

    Well, it’s a puzzle, to be sure. But you’re a smart person, I’m sure you’ll work it out. Until you do, I’m sure you’ll still have a few loyal fans wondering just who it is you’re not talking about being mad at this week, at least until such time as something more interesting vies for their attention.

  5. Good points John. This post is not at all about me. These kinds of problems come up on blogs all the time. I get why people want to fight back but it doesn’t make sense. Not a moral issue with me at all. it is business more than anything else. You read way too much into this. Stop by tomorrow for the carnival.

  6. Wow, a bloggowormwhole time warp! The version I have says 4/27.

    I guess you wanted this to be not at all about you further down the page.

    Well, now it is.

    Shouldn’t that be “D” — move the offending commenter further down the page? Oh wait, Flying Monkey etc. did “D”. OK, E, then. I’m not fussy.

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