Upgrade Your Real Estate Blog?

HatflowerI know I am supposed to have a picture of some food or weenie related product here on this weapon of mass destruction cleverly disguised as a hot dog stand.

The hat is not edible but it is something I would wear to a weenie roast.  That’s right I did wear it to a weenie roast. 

I found something on the internet this morning that is going to rock the real estate blogoshere:

* Upgrading to TypePad just got easier  One of more popular feature requests lately has been a way to make it easy to upgrade from a WordPress blog to TypePad. So yesterday afternoon we enhanced the Import / Export functionality to support importing your WordPress blog to TypePad via the WordPress eXtended RSS export format. There’s…

Real estate blogging experts recommend WordPress .  Most have never tried any other platform and some even admit it.   Just as I will admit that I don’t have a clue which platform is the best but I have tried several and have blogs on Typepad, Blogger, the free version of WordPress, and the self hosted version of WordPress.  Now that I think about it I guess I am a real estate blogging expert too.

Each platform has a lot to offer.  The TypePad platform has just about everything already built in that the WordPress bloggers install plug-ins for.  WordPress users have entire blogs dedicated to WordPress plug-ins which is cool because as bloggers we all know that finding topics to write about can be tough. 

On TypePad we can install widgets for added functionality.  I could write about widget installation and functionality but the the idea makes me want to yawn.   I guess I am not a true geek, just the worlds laziest real estate blogger.   Not lazy enough though to use some of the dumbed down products created for Realtors, or to take advantage of the massive sites where I can spew vast amounts of content that will appear on pages with the spew of hundreds of my competitors.

The Blogger platform  is just plain cool.  Yup that is a technical term.  I post to blogger by taking pictures from my phone, writing a few words and sending them to the blog.  The picture of the hat is part of a blog post on my blogger blog.  I can do the same thing on my TypePad blog and am positive that they make a WordPress plug-in for that too.

My business blog is on TypePad, along side many other great business blogs.  Am I crazy?  Yes I am totally  insane, but that isn’t why I won’t be upgrading to WordPress.  I can’t because WordPress doesn’t have a Plugin for that yet. It would be hard to start over and would take too long to transfer over 700 posts to another platform.

This is an opinion, but I think it is the content that is posted on a blog and how it is set up have a greater impact on the success of the blog than the platform being used.  A couple of my blogs are highly customized with the features that I want for my business internet presence.  None of the platforms I have used have everything that I want without some customization. 

My wiki is the only site I currently have up and running that is self hosted.  I don’t host it because I can, I do so because I don’t know any other way to use MediaWiki.  I make this comment only to prove to the world that I too can enjoy installing a good bug-fix. 

I consider myself fortunate.  I live in Minnesota, so I can do anything I want to.  I am such a non-conformist . .  Ah the freedom . . .


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5 Responses to Upgrade Your Real Estate Blog?

  1. Obeoman says:

    ..and this is an expose’ on the absence of the Two Stooges from Sellsius? Sucked in again by the promise of content that turns into, well, fairly shamless plugs on who has the biggest and bestest blogging platforms. It begs the question: what is in a weenie?

    I gotta go…

  2. lisa dunn says:

    I knew I recognized that hat.

  3. john paul says:

    hi there can we link to each blog since we have the same blog topic real estate ? id like to put your blog into my blogroll ..
    hope to hear from you soon . my blog is cebu real estate http://www.johnvill.com
    its a Philippine real estate focus on cebu real estate .
    give me description or title of your blog so i can link into it to my blogroll
    john paul

  4. Carrie says:

    I know this post is ancient, but it was very helpful to me. I had a typepad blog ages ago (a knitting blog :-), now I have a featuredblog (which I hate) and I’m feeling the active rain peer pressure to get a wordpress blog – but I know that I am too lazy to download a gazillion widgets and plug-ins. So this spoke to me – THANKS!

  5. Florida Land says:

    Very nice picture.Thanks for sharing!

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