News Media

141413main_jsc2006e01785_medI can’t think of a single single industry that deserves to be mentioned on this blog of mass destruction cleverly disguised as a hot dog stand.

The news media seems to control the economy and of course the housing market.  They like to take little bits and turn them into great big dramatic stories.

They call when I am in my car, or on an appointment.  They never ask if I have a second, like everyone else does, they just start talking.  I think most people will just drop what they are doing and talk to the news media.  It is after all free publicity.

Me I have to be difficult and have passed on some opportunities that I am sure most people would get excited about.  I just can’t see helping the media spread half truths and even lies just so I can tell everyone to watch me on TV.

They often know what their story is before they call.  They spend quite a bit of time trying to get me to agree with what they are saying and get me to give an example.  When it comes to buying and selling homes they like to take one small part of the process and turn it into a big story. 

Sometimes the media wants access to my  clients.  It doesn’t work that way.  I have contracts with them and part of that contract includes confidentiality.  I can of course call a client and ask if they are interested in being on the local or national news.  I have called clients with just such a request.  Most are not interested in sharing their story with the world even if it does mean they get to be on TV.

Most people who know me know that I can be difficult.  I argue with just about every reporter who calls.  Over the last couple of days I have been trying to convince one reporter that the story they are working on really doesn’t make sense.  I guess it is up to them to decide what their viewers want to see.   They will be able to find another Realtor in the metro area who will back them up on the ridiculous story they are working on.  Most would be thrilled with the publicity and not even consider that they are hurting their own industry by  helping spread stories.

The news media don’t know much about real estate or the housing market but they like to tell stories about it because that is what people are interested in right now.  The "spin" that they put on it becomes a kind of reality for many people and might even change consumer behavior.  What is reported by the news media does not always reflect reality but I think some times reality becomes what the news media reports.

When you watch the national news, local news or read the paper please keep in mind that what you are seeing is not the news.  It is some ones idea of what viewers are interested in seeing, reading or listening too.  It is mostly stories and make believe.

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3 Responses to News Media

  1. I was discussing this over lunch last week with my journalistic protege. Yes, not only was I a newspaper reporter but I spawned the career of someone else as well. I’m a menace.

    The other little-recognized fact about the media, particularly the print side, is that they exist solely for the sake of advertising. NO ONE on the news side will want to admit this but without the advertisers there is no newspaper.

    What is or isn’t worthy of print (or video) is determined by how many ads have been sold. And if the advertisers don’t see the returns they want, they walk. And then there is even less that’s newsworthy.

  2. Teresa Boardman says:

    Jonathan – I ran a non-profit newspaper for many years. We also had advertisers and I know what you mean. I would allow an article that ticked off the business community and the ad manager would have trouble selling ads. I had forgotten that part of it. I guess I learned the truth about any kind of media, doesn’t matter what gets published, someone won’t like it.

  3. Kathy T. says:

    I agree that most times when you get called by the media, the story is already written. I worked for the assoc for college savings (529) plans and received at least 2-5 press calls every week. The one call a month when the story wasn’t prewritten was the rare pleasure… the others not so much.

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