Now I know I have arrived

Bullf Welcome to my bad blog cleverly disguised as a hot dog stand.  There have been theories as to why this blog exists.  To me it is important for several reasons.  It provides a forum for some and for me it is an opportunity to creatively express my ideas.  If no one read it I am not sure I would want to take it down.

As I have said more than a few times on my other blog, neither blogging nor real estate sales are for wimps.  In the 2.5 years that I have been writing blogs no one has threatened me with legal action and to be honest I was feeling like I am not much of a blogger.  Now all that has changed and I feel like I have arrived.

Don’t get me wrong  being threatened in any way has never been my goal but I know from my past experience running a small newspaper that writing something that ticks people off goes along with being published most any where but only if the piece is controversial, or is strong enough to move someone to anger.  I did receive some threats when I started the blog but I stood my ground and it was worth it.

I strive for honestly and transparency.  I don’t always hit the mark but it is my goal.  Some of my posts leave out names and other details.  If I included the details they would be more transparent but they would also attract threats of legal action.  It is a fine line and I try to walk it without falling off.  I do stand behind every word I write and take responsibility for it and there is a reasonable chance that I even make mistakes some times.  I am not the kind of person who is terribly risk adverse.

We live in a society where everyone believes that perceived wrongs can be settle through the legal system.  I often hear people say that they will take legal action.  Anyone can take legal action against anyone else anytime they want to, as long as they have the time and money to get the job done.   It can be frivolous or it can have merit, it is up to the courts to decide.   Google the word "legal " and get 1,280,000,000 hits.

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One Response to Now I know I have arrived

  1. Yes I’ve had some of that type of unnecessary drama this week. I wouldn’t care much except it was distracting and my passion for the principles involved.

    It amazes me when the negative can come from colleagues. The insecurity and lack of sense of humor of these people is sad….

    If somebody is not upset with you on a regular basis it’s likely the writing is too bland or passive or inconsequential.

    The thing to remember is that for every upset and threatening person there is a silent majority of other consumers and even realtors who love, appreciate and respect what you are doing in terms of educating them on RE or online marketing and out of the box methods for connecting with customers.

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