Inman Connect, San Francisco

It is great to be back on the hot dog stand.  I have just one take away from the blogger connect conference that I would life to share.  There is more than one way to have a successful real estate blog.  Of course I like my way the best, and the other bloggers like their way the best, which is why it seemed like we don’t agree on anything, because we don’t.  I learned the typo’s and misspellings are a really bad thing on a blog and so is bad grammar but I am going to keep writing my blogs any way.

The people who attended the blogger connect sessions must have left feeling a bit confused.  There was a lot of good information in the sessions.  My advice would be to keep in mind that none of the "rules" are carved in stone.  be creative, use your imagination.  Take the ideas and improve upon them.

I got to take some pictures while I was in San Francisco, and here are some of them.

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11 Responses to Inman Connect, San Francisco

  1. Moni says:

    I wish I could have been there with you all! Your pictures are fantasic!

  2. Maureen M. says:

    Spelling was mentioned? I think you and your blogs are proof.

  3. Jay Thompson says:

    It was *fabulous* seeing you again Teresa!

    I agree COMPLETELY that there are many, many ways to skin this cat.

    Your artistry with a camera never ceases to amaze me…

  4. Sarah Cooper says:

    Pfft. Your spelling is fine. Some people just get offended by creativity.

  5. Jim Cronin says:

    I thought that the only time spelling matters is when you are posting a URL….

    Great Photos!

  6. teresa boardman says:

    wow Jim, I think this is the first time you have commented on my bad blog. I feel honored.

    Yes we all know I can’t spell. Sometimes I can’t come close enough for the spell checker to figure it out. I do get help with it or I couldn’t do this at all. I keep writing because I have so much to say and I enjoy writing.

    As for the photos, the wonderful thing about them is they say so much but I never have to worry about anything be spelled right. I think I like pictures better than words.

  7. Jim Cronin says:

    That might be true… but on;y because you are so controversial. πŸ™‚

  8. It was nice seeing you again Teresa.

    Yes, we all have our own favorite ways to skin the cat — so long as it’s skinned, no worries.

    Love the photos!

  9. teresa boardman says:

    Joseph – I did not see enough of you. πŸ™‚

  10. Tom Plant says:

    Teresa – Excellent post and wonderful photos. It was great seeing you and I enjoyed your input on the panel.

  11. Your pictures always give me something to aspire to. Awesome!

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