Hey buddy can you spare a dime?

Great_depressionThought I would write a few words on this my blog of mass destruction cleverly disguised as a hot dog stand.

Business is slow for me right now.  I know that I am the only Realtor out there who is experiencing a slow down.  Business is always fantastic, for those who have the right attitude.

I feel like a loser because the housing market has contracted a bit locally and I am the agent who ended up with less business this month.  Everyone else is happily going about their business and making a ton of money.  I feel so left out.

It is all about attitude and frankly mine sucks right now.  There I said it.

Maybe if you are not too busy today you could stop by the weenie and give me some words of advice. 

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14 Responses to Hey buddy can you spare a dime?

  1. Karen Rice says:

    In times like this, I always say a good bottle of wine comes in handy.

  2. Be thankful you have a husband to help keep the roof over your head (although for me I’d rather be eating peanut butter and sweating bullets than have a husband… unless I can find one with his own RV who would move next to me on a creek somewhere!).

    I’d never try to give the ‘T’ advice but you certainly have other talents… photos, writing, etc. I’ve discovered I have a passion for photos and writing much more than for RE.

  3. Jim says:

    You think you have it bad. I just started my own brokerage a one man show and all my real estate buddies are imaginary (twitters)It is scary when talking to people an refer to twitters and you get a blank stare. Try explaining to My Parent who do not do computers about twitting. My wife just thinks I’m silly. The only one who gets it is my 11yr old. It is like World of warcraft for old people.

    how is your attitude now?
    I guys I know used to always say Yes Sir and No Mam. I asked him how he always said it with a smile. He said when I’m mad I imagine that I’m saying F.. You.

    It’s all attitude baby.

    Thanks for being one of my imaginary friends. It is a real blow when imaginary friends dis you.

  4. Teresa Boardman says:

    You guys are cracking me up. We live in such a sexist society it is always assumed that the man is putting a roof over the woman’s head. I have worked like a slave my entire adult life and I don’t even get credit for my earnings.

    Jim – I work alone too. May office is in a different city and I too have imaginary friends who keep me company. I think my life is similar to yours. I would never dis you and I imagine you as a friend. 🙂

  5. Carrie says:

    Put on something optimistic to listen to. Brian Tracy or Earl Nightengale. Go hang around agents that are kicking butt and taking names and suck up some optimism from them. Most of all turn off the news.

    I hope you get out of your funk soon!


  6. Teresa Boardman says:

    Carrie – good advice. For me the first step is admitting the tude. Now I am well on my way to perky.

  7. DebraD says:

    You’re not alone. I just went to a MasterMind group this morning, and every one of us (with the exception of an agent doing bank-owned listings) has had a crummy couple of weeks. It’s not surprising, given the financial chaos the world markets are in…doesn’t give buyers a lot of confidence to take the leap.

    On the other hand, in the past month you have inspired me. Since finding your photos on Twitter & Flickr, I’ve learned how and begun photo blogging and I love it. So thank you for the inspiration and keep up the great work!


  8. Bob Darrow says:

    Since you know it’s going to pick back up (it always does) you should go on vacation! Isn’t it already snowing in Minnesota?

  9. Go for a run, or a walk, or a walk/run. Get outside and get those endorphines popping and the blood flowing.

    For me, it’s a good time to escape, think, and reset. Or, sometimes I just listen to my ipod and put one foot in front of the other.

  10. Kathy says:

    Hi Theresa,

    I’ve spent the last 30 minutes trying to write to you. Encouragement humor, optimism, spiritual guidance. Whatever! The reality is I watch every day for you to report an upside in your market. I was hoping you had just forgotten to mention it. Oh well.
    All I can say is that I hope you have a better day tomorrow. In the meantime, thank you for being you!
    I certainly don’t recommend this for everyone, but it is working great for me. I bought a puppy! Stay happy! The alternative can give you hives.

  11. Left Yom Kippur services last night fairly calm, fairly happy that everything went off with only a minor hitch or two and that the odds of me – Temple pres – being stoned to death were almost nil, at least for the night.

    Then a friend walks up … did you hear what the Dow did today?

    Good mood, gone.

    Wait, was this supposed to be encouraging?

    After 14 months of hanging on by my finger nails, my fingers are tired. And this has been my best year yet. Doesn’t always feel that way, though.

    After a while, have to figure it can’t get much worse than it is so need to go figure out how to get it better.

    As I type this, one of the beagles got up and left the room.


  12. Teresa Boardman says:

    I had an OK year, not an outstanding one. We all know that we can’t do a thing about the economy all we can do is learn to work in it.

    Most people missed the point of my post but that is OK it started some honest conversation about business.

  13. Hey T,

    Left out? come on girl. Perspective please.

    Be the center of attention. Throw an “I’M LONESOME” party. BYOB, potluck and donuts! Get it on with a little laughter and you will better.

  14. Good morning Teresa,
    Sorry about the mood, but this too, shall pass. Take Daisy for a walk today. Dogs always put a smile on the face, so get going. It’s too beautiful to stay inside or worry about things we can’t change.

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