A Special Award

Weenie(2) 2008 has been a very special year. I wanted to create a special award. I am not sure who to give it to because there are so many who deserve it. Any suggestions?


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8 Responses to A Special Award

  1. I suggest me. I’ve never won an award.

  2. teresa boardman says:

    wow Kelley I would love to give you an award but I was thinking this one would be for some person or organization that really screwed up this year and in the seem of things I don’t think there is anything you could have done to screw up the housing market and the economy nation wide. If you had or can prove you have I would be happy to give you the weenie award.

  3. I’ve been dieting for two weeks and I need that award. It looks delicious.

    Guess you can say I am hungry for that award!!!

  4. Larry says:

    1 weenie – 1 award – not enough.

    Don’t those packs of weenies come in a dozen? With that you still wouldn’t have enough cuz @housechick can eat 2 by herself.

    Hell I should get one just for turning up :>)

    Here is my suggestion for the awards:
    the GM Weenie (Good Munch),
    the Ford Weenie – (call it “A” Weenie),
    the Chrysler Weenie – (you get to eat it twice)
    the Bush Weenie – (nah, that’s too easy)
    well that’s 7 of the dozen.

  5. teresa boardman says:

    Larry you are right I need multiple awards. Not sure I want to give one to KK because she is watching her figure and I am thinking housechick may think she is all bad but she isn’t THAT bad.

  6. what if i promise to wreak havoc in the future?

  7. teresa boardman says:

    Kelley how can you wreck the economy and the housing market? The work is already done. Can you do a better job spending tax payer bail out money on executive bonuses? Do you have 30,000 people to that you can give a month off so they don’t have work because you did a lousy job running your company?

  8. Larry says:

    KK is a mean mustard spreader :>)

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