I am so confused

Rainy Day

Nice to be writing on this my blog of mass destruction cleverly disguised as a hot dog stand.  Speaking of hot dogs thanks for all the weenie graphics and photos. They just keep coming and I am trying to decide what to do with my growing collection.

Speaking of growing . . Active rain has gotten ginormous but has become oh so confusing.  They have innies and outies and free blogs and not free blogs . . that I think are outies . . but are mulit author and levels of membership and localism and some lead thingy.  Some of the members get their picture in the comment when they leave a comment and others don't.

Some members get free outies and some do not. It is all so complicated it leaves me with nothing to write about here on the weenie except for how complicated it is. If I were in charge of Active rain I would write a book. "Active Rain for dummies". I am thinking they could make more money off of the book than off of the free outies, the not free multiple author outies and localism. 

I never really understood localism either.  Isn't the stuff on St. paul re local?  why do I have to go to someone  else s site to write the same crap I have been writing on my own site for 3 and a half years? Google will find the crap either way. Maybe Google likes bigger piles of the stuff better? who knows.

Maybe I am just cranky becasue the last time I went in to Active Rain to respond to a post where my name was used, one of the other commentors said she never heard of Teresa Boardman.  Let me tell you being a has been is much harder on the ego than being a wanna be.

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6 Responses to I am so confused

  1. Whether you “wanna be” or not, you always “has been” a blogger I look up to. I’ve referred many of my new agents to your blog so they can see how it should be done.

  2. Ron Ares says:

    Getting blown off at REBarCamp Seattle was the last straw for me. Not particularly interested in ActiveRain’s ‘value’ proposition. Too much Realtor-on-Realtor action.

  3. teresa boardman says:

    What? are you impling that “networking” with other agents isn’t the path to unimaginable wealth?

  4. Lisa Heindel says:

    I have a badge and an outie, but I’m not sure what good they are. My own re blog is ranked just as high as the AR one. Time to fly?

  5. Teri Eckholm says:

    T–Is there an AR for Dummies book in the works? I’d bet it would sell. I’ve met lots of agents want to read about blogging before starting. I have an innie and outie too…had to ask for help today so I am not writing the Dummy book! 🙂

  6. teresa boardman says:

    We will be rolling out several products this week and yes there is a book in the works.

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