Horn blowing

Chips Here at the real estate weenie, the hot dog stand, cleverly disguised as a blog we believe that everyone should blow his or her own horn. After all if you don't  who will?

I just wanted to explore some of the  of obnoxious, ways people try to subtly blow their own horns via twitter.   I blow my own horn loudly each time I write:  I am all that AND a bag of chips.  In my case it is true, and there is no need to be subtle.  

Some of the examples of person's attempting to subtly blow their own horns are getting kind of old. I wish they would simply state that they too are all that AND a bag of chips and move on.

Horn Toot 1, a Realtor fave: "On my way to yet another closing, I am getting tired of having one a day"

Horn Toot 2, a bloggers fave: "I just keep getting more and more traffic on the great post I wrote last week, it is almost creepy"

Horn Toot 3, a political bloggers fave: "I predicted this five years ago, if only they would have listened but they never do"

Horn Toot 4, a business persons fave:  "they just keep giving me raises, where will it end?"

Horn toot 5, social media guru fave: "I have 9,000,000,000 followers on twitter, how can I keep up with it all?"

With some of the tweets reading them now and then isn't all that bad but some twits use them on a regular basis.  I think that web 2.0 is about transparency. I am sticking with "I am all that AND a bag of chips"  That might be too subtle but I have not figured out how to blast a horn loudly via twitter. I am sure iPhone will have an app for it soon.

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2 Responses to Horn blowing

  1. Jay Thompson says:

    If you really want to puke, set up a Twitter search for the word “Realtor”….

  2. Jay – How about a Twitter search for – “Just listed” or “Off to a closing”?

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