Are you a REBarCamp Ho?

I put the question out on Twitter this morning, asking what are some of the signs that someone is a REBarCamp Ho.

Todd Carpenter said that you might be a REBarCamp Ho if you have a wall in your office that looks like his in the picture.

I got tweets from some other REBarCamp experts:

@ResPres: You might be a rebarcamp ho if you talk using four crossed fingers as a hashtag symbol. #rebarcampho

@agent21 #rebarcampho When you hand wash your rebarcamp t-shirt so the logo doesn't fade.

@AnnMarieRealtor You might be a #rebarcampho if you tell your husband you are visiting your mother and go to ReBarCamp instead.

@craig42k: You might be a rebar camp ho if your day begins looking for the schedule board. #rebarcampho

@BeeRealty You may be a #REBarCampHo if you came just for the Pokes #IRL

@SarahWV You might be a rebar camp ho if you have more photos of than your own family. #rebarcampho

@Billlublin if you order eggs and hashtags for breakfast. #rebarcampho

 Are you a ReBarCamp Ho?

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4 Responses to Are you a REBarCamp Ho?

  1. LOL you are a REBC Ho when you decide to quit explaining what it is because anyone of any importance already knows.

  2. If you get caught in a photo throwing gang signs like this…

    …you might be a REBarCamp Ho. Or at least a REBarCamp Dork. 😉

  3. Ha ha! I know of a few REBC Ho’s…I’d even say they’re proud of it.

  4. You’re a REBarCamp Ho if you bring your own markers and beer cup cooler.

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