What is Rebar?

Rebar-Cutter-Bender-bigNice to be back on the hot dog stand.  These days my businesses keep me so busy that it is hard to find the time for the really important things in life like writing on the weenie.

Today we will be holding the first Minnesota Rebar camp. We decided not to name it after a city but a state because we want to see our colleagues from up north and down south don'tcha know.

We made it inclusive and have included . . . now this is going to be a shock . . people who do not work in the real estate industry. Some of them will be presenting too. Yah sure

There are a couple of topics that are not being covered and I have prepared some presentations just in case.  There is no one to present anything about Zillow or Trulia. I could be wrong . . I hope I am wrong but I don't think I am.

This ReBar camp will be very different for me. I only have to travel 8 miles I won't see the familiar faces that I have seen at ReBar camps around the country. I am looking forward to seeing some old friends like Alex Stenback the best mortgage blogger on the planet and making some new friends.

The Minneapolis Area Association of Realtors did most of the work to make this event happen.  They found a great venue for it and plenty of sponsors.  I have to say they are an amazing group of people.  High energy, creative and very talented, I am proud to know them.  I found it refreshing the way they welcomed a stranger from St. Paul, who is not a member,  and I truly enjoyed every meeting that we had. When I left the room I felt like some of the energy stayed with me. They are clearly the best association in the country.

We need to spend more time bragging about Minnesota. It is selfish of us not to spread the word and the wealth. Our wealth isn't in blue ocean beaches, a year around warm climate, palm trees or mountains it is in people. 

I know this post doesn't sound like the standard weenie fare and I promise I will get back to the regularly scheduled program soon.. . . even though this event will not take place for another two hours it has already rocked my world and changed my opinions and attitudes and challenged some long held beliefs. I guess they needed to be challenged.

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One Response to What is Rebar?

  1. sounds like a perfect RE BarCamp

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