Welcome to this blog of mass destruction cleverly disguised as a hot dog stand.
For a time it seemed like there wasn’t much diversity among the movers, shakers, and disrupters in the real estate industry. After all these years that seems to be changing. I recently saw a picture of real estate executives.
They are all older white men but one of them was wearing a tie and the rest were not, and one of them was wearing a blue shirt while the rest were wearing white shirts.
Later that same day I saw picture of some real important people in the real estate industry. They were all older men but one of them had darker skin than the rest, and another looked to be in his 30’s.
Yup the world is changing. We are starting to see some real diversity in the boardroom and among the disrupters in the real estate industry.
We all know that the most talented people in the industry just happen to be men and now they are starting to get a little more diverse too.