Rock, rocks and rocked

Rocks2I am not sure where to start with this one. It seems like everyone is a rock star these days.  Those who speak at conferences often “rock it” and there are a lot of folks out there who “Rock!”.

It isn’t easy to distinguish ourselves from the pack.  Rocking is no longer a distinction, becasue most everyone rocks.

What does it really mean?  I asked a butt head that question once and the answer that came back was “If you don’t know . . “.  How profound.

Last time I was called a rock star I disclosed the fact that I can’t sing.  The response I got back is that most rock stars can’t.

Do you rock?  I am sure that you do. We all rock.  I can’t find the words to describe how tired I am of the word.

There are so many words in the English language it is a shame that we have to keep using the same four letter word to describe most everyone and everything.

I for one do not rock and I don’t rock anything and I am not a rock star. In fact the only use I see for rocks is landscaping.

Thanks for listening.  I feel better now. Rock on!

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10 Responses to Rock, rocks and rocked

  1. Oh WOW!!! You really CRUSHED it, T!!!

  2. Teresa boardman says:

    How good I forget about Rawk?

  3. Josh says:

    Not sure about you but I’m ready to Rock It! Fun post. Thanks.

  4. Diane G. says:

    Short, sweet and to the point! You r-o-… um, great post!

  5. kim says:

    hmmm, so true, “rock it” “you rock” is out-dated. and why would anyone want to be dirt smooshed together over several hundred years?
    yes rocks are perfect for landscaping…i always pick a few up when i go to a new place.
    however, i do like this guy’s site rock your day dot come.

    now, am i going to get snarked for not using any capital letters?

  6. Teresa boardman says:

    Kim – apparently you are not familiar with my sites. Little attention is paid to spelling, capitalization or grammer. If a word is spelled correctly or a sentence is grammatically correct or a workd is capitalized it is coincidence and not done intentionally.

  7. Paula Henry says:

    You so _______________ (fill in the blank) 🙂 with a new word!

  8. Elaine Hanson says:

    Dude! Like, half my vocabulary is gone! Can I claim California immunity?

  9. Teresa boardman says:

    No you can not. You are not blond. We can teach you more words. You may be in California but I think there is hope for you. it may be wise for you to buy one of the lofts I have on the market and move here now so I can help you.

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