Realtors Unite!

TelephoneAre you as sick of those phone calls as I am?  You know the here the caller asks if you would like to have more closed transactions, or if you would like to improve your Google ranking or how about a really expensive ugly template web site?

They just keep calling and with some if you ask to be taken off of their list they will tell you that the don't have a list.

There is one company that won't leave me alone and as soon as I publish this my phone will ring.  Z57 is the name of the company.  No I won't use the free web site they are offering me and I certainly won't pay for one.  The sales people come and go but when they start they call me first. What part of the word no don't they understand?  How many times do I have to say it? When have they crossed the line?  When does telemarketing turn into harassment?

There is another company that calls often but they have never kept me on the phone long enough to get to the part of the script where they say the name of the company.  They have a lengthy script and over come my objections as they go but never get to the company name. If they call today I will ask which company it is.

There are many companies that are trying to sell to Realtors.  They call and ask  how I am.  Most of the people who read this blog know that I don't like people.  What do you suppose happens if someone calls me when I am busy and asks me "how are you today?".  The only reason they are still alive is because they are 1000 miles away.  Is there a good time to call me?  No there isn't ever a good time to call me. Calling me is so not fun. If you work on a commission you are really wasting productive seconds just dialing my number.  How do I want to be contacted?  I don't want to be contacted.  If I need or want your product I will find you. 

If you are a Realtor maybe you could help me write a list of the companies that are the worst when it comes to the old school hard sell telemarketing.  They call you, they hound you and they won't leave you alone.  They make it so you hate picking up the phone.  Just leave the name of the company you hate getting calls from the most in the comments and we will see where it goes. 

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11 Responses to Realtors Unite!

  1. Vicki Lloyd says:

    I just got a call from the Yellow Pages, and I have had many others in the past. I get mad when they drop them in my driveway, and I have to put them in my recycle bin. (Who would pay for that anymore?)

  2. Bill Wilson says:

    I suppose the most calls I get are from and zillow. Then there’s all the ones that want to put me #1 on Google.

  3. jim little says:

    It could be worse, T. You could be an agent who lives in Arizona. Our political primary is hotly contested and I get 5-6 calls a day on my cell, an equal amount at home. Of course, both numbers are do not call, but our politicians are exempted.

  4. Teresa boardman says:

    Yes it could be worse but trust me Jim, I vote in every election and I get tons of calls about who to vote for.

  5. – they call and when I ask to be removed they say “we don’t have a list”.

    Many of the telemarketers begin by saying “I’m looking at your website but you’re not on page one of Google”. Right – begin by insulting me, and then expect me to buy? I don’t think so.

    If I give a response, it’s “Yes, I am, but you’re not looking at the right keywords. This call is over.” I swear they all have the same script!

    I *do* like people but I don’t like being phoned by someone trying to sell me something. And if they insult me in the process I will make sure that no one I know buys their product.

    Ironically, while typing this out, I got one of those calls from someone wanting to sell me leads!

  6. Paula Henry says:

    To which I say – “if you really looking at my site you would see I AM on the first page of Google.” Of course they are looking for some obscure term and I have to point them back to an actual term someone is looking for, Like “city” real estate.

    They never fail to amaze me with their pitches.

  7. Paula Henry says:

    OOOpS!! Reply – Z57 – NetBiz –

  8. Teresa boardman says:

    Hi Paula 🙂 thanks for stopping by. Hope all is well and that you are having a great summer.

  9. T, be kind – just say “hold please” and hang up.

  10. Bill Gassett says:

    I get calls from these knuckle heads every couple of weeks! It is getting harder and harder to remain polite.

  11. Teresa Boardman says:

    I am not understanding. Polite when someone barges into my day uninvited and unwanted?

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