
When I was a child the other kids used to tease me because I was always the smallest in the class and I was funny looking.  Not much has changed.

When I would come home from school crying because the other kids were mean to me my mother used to tell me that they picked on me because they were jealous.  She lied to me which resulted in years of therapy that I never had but it doesn’t matter because this post isn’t about me which is nice for a change.

Jealousy is a strong emotion and motivator.  When you read something about yourself or your business on a blog and it is very negative and you are not the shortest in the class and are not funny looking ask yourself if my mom was right.  Could it be that the writer is jealous?  It is possible.  The trip from jealousy to anger is a short one.

Lately I have seen some mean writing here and there.  The writers are people who don’t have a lot going on and it is clear to me that they are jealous because others have accomplished things that are very hard to accomplish.  Credibility for one.  It could be that the jealous ones are short and funny looking but maybe not.  Apparently a person can be jealous even if they are tall and funny looking or even good looking.

If you have a clue about what I am getting at cool.  If not don’t worry about it.  If someone wrote something about you that you don’t like get over it, they are just jealous and  life is too short to care about the ramblings of a petty jealous writer . . oh my there we go right back to short.

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17 Responses to Jealousy

  1. I’m jealous of your oatmeal. There. I admit it. I feel better now.

  2. I understand why you would be. You are not short.

  3. I’ve been blessed to not have the jealous gene. I almost feel sorry for those that do. They can’t even help themselves. Maybe they will come up with a pill to fix that? 🙂

  4. mariana says:

    You are not short. You’re “fun sized”.

  5. Lani Rosales says:

    Benn and I get picked on a lot for a variety of reasons (some of which you and I have talked on Skype and phone about, like for not blasting individuals’ rotten behavior or gossiping with the conference junkies), but especially in light of Benn almost dying in our arms, our losing a son, best friend and brother, we realize the brevity of this life and before we know it, we’ll be gone and answering to a higher power about our behavior here on Earth. That’s why we take it on the right chin, then the left, then the right.

    Plus, we tell our own children that jealousy is often born out of insecurity from being kicked down themselves, and if others aim to impose their insecurity on you, offer a hand to help them up and if refused, simply stand tall and walk away- there’s no use in being pulled down with them.

    Also, who the sh*t would pick on you? I hear voodoo dolls work wonders… 😉 HUGS!

    • Teresa Boardman says:

      Lani – honestly this wasn’t about me. Even when people pick on me I don’t feel picked on. You might say I am immune. I am not sure if it is because I don’t care or if it is because I don’t care. It has to be one of those two reasons and yes you are right. It is the people who are the most insecure that become the playground bullies. They master the art of verbal abuse because of how they feel about themselves and they need to put others down.

  6. I think Arrogance plays a bigger role in these attacks. An attitude of, “If you didn’t hear it from me, it must be worthless” is becoming more prevalent as more and more leading edge topics, tools, and strategies become commonplace. There’s a lot of people who are angry that their soap box isn’t any taller than it was two years ago, and meanwhile, a thousand other soapbox’s have sprung up besides them. People are struggling to stay relevant. They’re jealous of the mob they used to lead. Oh crap. Maybe you’re right. It is jealousy after all.

  7. Teresa Boardman says:

    Yes jealously.. . and loss of soap box is far worse than never having one at all. 🙂

  8. Linda Davis says:

    Todd isn’t short?

  9. Teresa Boardman says:

    From my perspective he is tall but maybe from yours he is not. For some reason all of my friends are tall. Except Jeff Turner is not as tall as he should be.

  10. Dena Stevens says:

    I’m jealous, nobody has ever called me ‘fun sized’ ;p

  11. We are not short, we are just vertically challenged. Also, always remember guys… Women prefer men with shape. Round definitely is a shape 🙂

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