Do you want to get roasted?

64249090_4a1c37f80c When I was in grade school, yup I went to school just like everyone else, walked in the snow bear foot, up hill both ways to get there.  The teachers told me that it was wrong to copy from another students papers. We listened to teachers back then because they could strike students without going to jail.   

When I was in High school students who copied from other students or from books were suspended or even expelled from the school, and teachers could still use corporal punishment, and did.  Now that I think about it childhood was hell.  Sorry for the digression, I only get to write on my bad blog in the middle of the night, when no one is around.  I must be sleep working again. Happens all the time, I wake up and find a blog post, when I read them it is like seeing them for the first time.

Can I say hell on a blog?  I guess I can on this blog.  So much for my no casual swearing on business blogs rule.  Is this a business blog?  No way, it is a hot dog stand,  or is it?  . . . . back to my post . . . .

189294422_a01fdfb0d0Much better!

In recent weeks I have found some of the content I have written for The St. Paul Real Estate Blog, and on *Active Rain on other blogs.  In a couple of cases bloggers are using lead ins to my articles and linking back to my blog but they are using my content to sell products, services or ads.  I do make a few bucks myself off of the words I spew into cyber space each day, but that’s different because it is my very own spew.

In other cases blog writers are simply taking my content and putting it on their blogs, which is theft plain and simple.  I have started sending out some cease and desist emails, but will have to take stronger measures.  Some of the *Active Rain content that is being lifted is for members only, which means that it is a member that is logging in and copying the content. They can’t link to my content because readers who are not members would not be able to read it, so they just take it. 

If you are reading this post and can think of some posts you might have of mine on your blog please take them down.  I may be crazy busy, and probably crazy, but I always have time to deal with post thievery, and it is easy to find.  It is wrong to copy from another blog, and make it look like your own content.  I can’t believe I have to explain this and on the weenie no less, the blog that is in such poor taste that it just shouldn’t be, yet it is.

Maybe I should use this post in on of my classes as an example of how not to write a post.

*Active Rain is where I spew side-by-side with thousands of my competitors, we spew words in great quantity each day, you have to read it to believe it, so far we are the largest group of people to have ever achieved such a high level of mediocrity together, as a group. . .  Ouch!  That one is going to cost me, no more sleep working . . . . 

This entry was posted in Bad Behavior, Stupid, Weblogs. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Do you want to get roasted?

  1. FlyingMonkeyWarrior says:

    Imitation is the most flattering form of flattery, but plagiarism is just wrong, imo.
    A link is great, but a copy/paste rip and read is just;

  2. well the one good thing is that is seems AR is proactive at going after anyone who lifts content from someone else. I know it is time consuming but the simple thing to do is turn them in. By the way, how do you find out if anyone is lifting your stuff? Is it just by accident or is there a tech way of doing it?

  3. JeffX says:

    Im really stoked that you decided to ‘do’ this site Teresa…wish I would’ve picked up on it sooner….thx to Pat K for the link.

    How do you go about checking if your content is being ‘lifted’? I often find my words appearing else ware w/o proper credit, but Ive got no real method…


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