It did not take long for the AI gurus to start preaching

This year kind of reminds me of 2007 or 2008. There were “influencers” preaching about social media and how to use it to get rich.

Experts took to the stage and taught us all how to expand businesses by using social media. It was the thing to do.

They had best practices for real estate agents. I always wondered how they became experts.

Fast forward to 2023. The gurus are back and now they are teaching agents how to use AI (artificial intelligence) in their businesses.

These experts are going beyond the best practices and speaking about the future of AI in the real estate industry.

They already know what the future looks like. Apparently, it looks good for people who can speak to the real estate industry about AI. We don’t really know how it looks for those who integrate AI into their real estate businesses.

Personally, I am holding off until AI can enter listings into the MLS and correctly write contracts and edit my photographs with a few verbal instructions or better yet without my intervention.

When AI can flawlessly fill out IRS tax forms in such a way that I not only save money on taxes but on tax prep too.

For now, I’ll do my best to ignore the AI experts.

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ChatGPT is just for real estate

It is true. ChatGPT is the new QR code. Well, it isn’t anything like a QR code but real estate professionals are flocking to it and looking for ways to integrate it into their business just like they did with the QR code.

ChatGPT is artificial intelligence. A real estate agent types in some instructions and the chatbot spews forth words. Sometimes walls of words.

Just what we need more real estate agent spew during this time when there are too many agents and so few home sales.

Trust me agents have plenty of time to write their own spew.

There are of course free and for-a-fee webinars on how to use ChatGPT taught by experts who have been playing with it for a few months now.

I skipped the class. I decided to use chatGPT for something useful. I asked it for instructions on how to crochet a winter scarf.

The pattern it created works. It uses a basic combination of stitches that has several names. It is sometimes called the “moss” stitch.  The instructions included the materials needed and a gauge (how many stitches per inch)

I’ll probably set up some kind of webinar about how to use chatGPT to create crochet patterns.

I am sure I could use artificial intelligence to create a post on this blog of mass destruction cleverly disguised as a hot dog stand but why would when I am blessed with an abundance of natural intelligence, loads of creativity, and an imagination that is endless?

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When writers, write the news

I recently read a couple of articles on a real estate news site that had some information in them that wasn’t exactly true. In one case persons following the advice in the article could end up in jail but only if they get caught.

In another, an expert wrote a kind of “how-to” that showed a misunderstanding of the laws and rules in all 50 states. There is little danger that anyone would use the article as a guide. The only harm done is that the site loses credibility.

The old me would have spoken up and told someone about inaccuracies and about encouraging a practice even though it is illegal in most states.

I have learned from my past mistakes and decided I don’t want to be THAT person.

If anyone is looking for a subject matter expert for a real estate news or advice column contact me and for a fee, I’ll correct your mistakes and inaccuracies.

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Wonderful new product

I recently downloaded an app for real estate that is supposed to be amazing. It was promoted for months before it was launched. It was supposed to solve a few business challenges.

The people who make it and those who support our use of it give it rave reviews.

I wish they would understand that the product is kind of OK but not wonderful.

Just because the people who make an app say it is wonderful doesn’t make it so. I have seen numerous examples over the years of various companies trying to cram products down our throats by insisting that their products are wonderful or that we need them.

Most of the time it seems to work which is why there are so many crappy products for real estate professionals.

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Women need their own list

It makes sense to create a separate list for women when listing the most powerful in the real estate industry.

The system is fair to men because they don’t have to compete with women, if they did they would probably lose.

The system isn’t quite as fair to women, but since the system was created by men and men are the deciders it makes total sense that it favors men and their accomplishments.

The separate list is also a kind of throwback to an earlier time when there were women’s jobs and men’s jobs. Not much has changed.


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Maybe it is time for a free webinar

We all know people who are looking for work after being laid off. Some of those folks have been telling those of us in real estate that we need to stand out from the competition if we want business.

In fact, they have spent years telling us how to win clients.

Most have never been real estate agents but they know they would be good at it which is why they gave us all so many tips.  You would think they would just become real estate agents. It only takes a few weeks to get a license and they could start right away and take advantage of the spring real estate market.

I am considering putting all of those tips they gave real estate agents together and creating a webinar to help those who have been laid off stand out so that they can get hired.

They will learn how to use AI to write their resumes and how to sit in a car and record a video. They will learn how to TIKTOK and YouTube and how to Instagram their way to wealth.

People who have been employed for a long time may have forgotten how to look for work even though they are well versed in giving the rest of us advice.

Most real estate agents look for work every day and can probably give the newly unemployed some tips.

A free webinar is needed and I will create one as soon as I can figure out how to make money from it.


Webinar by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Pix4free

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Power and layoffs

You won’t see commentary like this anywhere else. It says a lot about me that I would dare to comment and even question the greatness of industry icons but enough about me.

On behalf of the hundreds or maybe even thousands at this point who have been recently laid off.

I just want to say that I am sorry that you had to see your former boss’s smiling face and name on a list of people who are tops in the industry. It sucks to be you.



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